We have a medium frequency induction furnace of 250 KW manufactured by INDUCTOTHERM (INDIA) PVT.LTD; AHEMEDABAD & WITH 2 nos. of melting crucibles (a) 300kg-1No. (b)500Kg-1 No. We can melt any type of Alloys & Possible to do single piece casting upto 550 kg.
we are also having heat treatment plant equipped, with diesel fired furnace having with temperature controller & graph chart recorder for various treatment operation such as Annealing, Normalizing, tempering & stress relieving.
We have GNR ITALLY make spectrometer with 18 channels facilities for testing & recording of all grades of alloys steels.
We are having UTM machine for tensile testing & hardness testing machine fir testing of hardness impact machine, Metallurgical microscope etc.